Food Dryer Recommended

Dehydrator are excellent tools to make homemade jerky or extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, by extracting excess moisture, which prevents bacteria growth as well as nutrient loss.

This budget-friendly model boasts 11 dishwasher-safe stainless steel trays and a transparent lid to let you monitor the progress of drying food quickly and evenly, though corners tend to dry less well when stacked trays are in use.

Easy to Use

Dehydrating food is an effective way to preserve fresh produce that would otherwise spoil. Furthermore, dehydrating saves money by cutting out costly store-bought options full of added sugar and preservatives. When drying food it’s essential that you plan ahead as different foods dry at different rates; otherwise it could spoil quickly.

Freeze dryers are an increasingly popular method of food preservation. Their two-step process begins by freezing food at subzero temperatures to transform its water into vapor that can then be extracted using a pump system, leaving dehydrated product behind.

This model is built to dry large batches quickly, making it the ideal option for those growing their own produce or planning an extensive backpacking adventure. With nine stackable plastic trays and no digital temperature or timer settings available, its knob allows you to set an ideal range for drying.


If you need to dehydrate large batches of food quickly, the Cosori Premium Pro model is an effective and energy-efficient solution. Equipped with nine drying drawers – perfect for backpacking snacks – plus much lower costs than similar Excalibur models with similar capacities and features; energy-saving features as well as digital temperature and time displays can come in handy for foods like meat that spoil quickly.

However, its lower wattage may mean that snacks don’t dry as quickly.

Easy to Store

If your enthusiastic shopping trips leave you with more produce than can be consumed quickly, dehydrating could be the solution. Removing moisture helps stop bacteria and yeast growth while creating foods with incredible flavor that are lighter yet long-term storage solutions.

Home freezer dryers are simple and space-efficient to store if you have the room for them. While you could use other methods such as dehydrators, ovens or microwaves to dry foods, many people prefer home freeze dryers due to their ease of use and convenience.

The Cosori Premium Pro features an easy plug-and-play design and comes equipped with bonus items such as jerky seasoning and fruit roll mats. With its large capacity and evenly drying food, its horizontal airflow may not be as efficient than some models that utilize vertical fans; however, this model remains less costly than similar large capacity dehydrators. Unfortunately, however, this model doesn’t come equipped with timer or temperature controls so setting a timer manually will likely be necessary.