Noise Cancelling Headphone Review

noise canceling headphone review

Noise canceling headphones are the perfect solution for music-lover’s who want to enjoy their tunes in a quiet environment. They can be used at home or while traveling by car, plane, etc.

Noise-canceling headphones utilize active noise control to reduce ambient sounds like airplane engines, train honks and brake screechings. Unfortunately, they won’t completely block out all sounds around you; therefore, you may still hear certain ones.

Noise Cancellation

Noise canceling headphones, commonly referred to as active noise cancellation (ANC) headphones, use microphones to detect and cancel out unwanted sounds around you. They do this through digital signal processing (DSP) or physical microphones.

The technology works by mixing in an opposite sound wave to cancel out the offending noise, making it especially effective at cutting down steady-state low frequency sounds like airplane rumble or train engine noise; however, it won’t do much for sudden bursts of sound or animated conversations on board the bus.

ANC headphones come in a range of form factors, from tiny earbuds to full over-ear models that completely enclose your ears. To get optimal performance from these headphones, look for one that fits comfortably and seals around your ears so ANC won’t bleed out into the earcups.

Transparency Mode

Noise canceling headphones use mics to pick up external sounds and create an inverse sound wave to cancel out incoming noises. This is ideal for people who want to block out background noise while listening to music or audio files.

But what about when you need to hear what’s going on around you? Do you need to order a coffee, pay for groceries or navigate your way through an urban area with lots of people? In these instances, hearing is essential.

Transparency mode is an advanced feature designed with active noise cancelling (ANC) technology. ANC uses microphones to pick up noise and then generates an inverse soundwave that blocks out more of the background sound than passive noise-canceling headphones can.

Transparency mode also balances the inside and outside sound, so you can hear what’s going on around you while still listening to music or podcasts of your choice. Apple first popularized this technology with their snug-fitting AirPods Pro earbuds, but it is now widely available on many premium headphones and earbuds.

Battery Life

Noise canceling headphones use battery power to generate sound waves that cancel out ambient sounds like the hum of an airplane engine or chatter from nearby neighbors. Unfortunately, they also consume a great deal of energy, reducing their battery life significantly.

Active noise cancelling (ANC) requires more battery power than passive noise cancellation, since ANC headsets contain more active circuitry and require a greater amount of current than standard wireless headphones without ANC.

Before purchasing active noise-canceling headphones, it’s essential to know their power consumption. Active noise cancellation headphones vary in power consumption based on the type of ANC, the level of ANC, and the headphone’s battery.


Comfort is key when it comes to headphones. Whether you’re traveling for work, flying across the country or simply watching movies with the kids, having a pair of headphones that’s as comfortable as they look is an absolute must-have.

Noise-cancelling headphones are a popular option, but they can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time if you don’t have the correct fit or seal. That’s where pressure relief technologies come into play – providing relief from long hours of listening without sound. The ideal headphones, such as those mentioned above, evenly distribute air pressure around your ears and prevent you from feeling the pinch. Plus, the top models boast a V-shaped sound profile for extra bass and boom in an attractive package. If you’re on a budget, Sony WH-1000XM3 and Panasonic MDR-ZX500 are two great options to consider. Both products are well made, look stylish, and cost effective compared to their predecessors. The latest generation from Sony offers all these features plus the added benefit of folding up for easier transport.