The Stand Kimchi Refrigerator Recommends

Kimchi, a salty fermented vegetable popular in Korea, is served as a side dish. It’s usually prepared with seasonings such as Napa cabbage, Korean radish and garlic.

Traditional storage of grains took place underground in clay crocks kept cool by the earth’s temperature. But as populations increased, this method became unpractical.

Storage Capacity

The kimchi refrigerator is an innovative device designed to keep kimchi fresh for extended periods. This cooler uses lower temperatures than conventional fridges to preserve the product and help it ripen faster.

Kimchi refrigerators are ideal for storing other items, like meat, cheese and wine. These models boast multiple compartments with temperature zones and sealed containers that help keep food fresh longer.

These specialty refrigerators utilize various cooling technologies and methods to maintain ideal humidity and temperature levels. As a result, ingredients like kimchi, tropical fruits, root and bulb vegetables remain at optimal conditions.

Samsung Electronics’ kimchi fridge, first released in September 2017, is the newest model on the market and offers more ingredient-specific storage spaces. Plus, it uses constant temperature technology for maintaining ideal temperatures for different foods with 17 different modes and temperatures for vegetables and kimchi alike.

Temperature Control

Kimchi refrigerators can extend the shelf life and preserve its flavors. A kimchi fridge provides consistent temperatures, more moisture, and less moving air than conventional fridges to keep kimchi fermenting at its optimal temperature for extended periods.

The Stand Kimchi Refrigerator features a hidden display touch control panel that lets you easily adjust temperature settings across three independent cooling rooms. It also offers various fermentation modes such as one-night kimchi fermentation, health care fermentation technology, various types of kimchi fermentation and long term storage mode for preserved freshness.

The chest refrigerator features two distinct zones for fermentation and preservation, so you can store both freshly made and already fermented kimchi separately. Plus, its temperature settings allow you to carefully monitor your kimchi during its fermentation process.


Kimchi refrigerators are specially designed to meet the specific needs of storing this fermented food. Unlike regular refrigerators, kimchi fridges maintain consistent temperatures with higher humidity levels to help preserve its freshness longer.

In Korea, the kimchi refrigerator industry is one of the most significant home appliance sectors, with over 98% of households owning one. As Korean households become more urbanized and apartment living becomes increasingly commonplace, demand for these refrigerators has grown significantly.

In addition to the popular cooler-type models, there are also stand-type kimchi fridges. These upright fridges have become increasingly popular due to their space-saving ergonomic design and ease of use.


If you’re searching for a home appliance, the stand kimchi refrigerator is an ideal option. While it may not have the highest brand name quality, it can still make for a useful addition to any kitchen with proper storage and some savvy planning. With various sizes to suit everyone’s needs and budget, there’s sure to be one perfect fit! Additionally, select models like this one which are currently on special HALF OFF sale so that you can start enjoying your prized possession as soon as possible!